Interview Questions:
What questions will the interviewer ask?

Can you tell me what interview questions I will be asked? Of course we cannot be sure exactly what the interviewer will want to know but we do know the questions they are most likely to ask. It helps to know what they are looking for in the right candidate. If we know that then predicting the questions is quite straight forward. All employers are looking for evidence that you are the right candidate and in general their interview questions are designed to find out if ‘you are the one’. They employers will be interested in: - Your skills,
- Your experience,
- Your knowledge & qualifications,
- Your background,
- Your personality and the sort of person you are.
There are some qualities that you can almost guarantee that interviewers are looking for:- Qualities most in demand include: - being flexible,
- having a caring and helpful attitude,
- enjoy working as part of a team,
- showing willingness to take responsibility,
- being positive
- displaying enthusiasm.
Whatever questions you are asked you should aim to demonstrate these qualities and back them up with evidence that you can ‘do the job’. If you do this then your chance of interview success is high.
Discover the likely Order of Questions here.
Exactly what your employer is looking for will be in the information package you should have received as part of the application process. Their requirements may be quite specific and you can build on their list by adding some of our ideas.
Click here to download our Interview Preparation Master Plan and instructions on how to fill it in.
To help you prepare for your interview we have a number of pages for you to refer to:
Common Interview Questions.
Make sure you can answer them.
Top Ten Questions.
The questions you can almost guarantee you will be asked.
The Top 100 Questions.
Questions designed to find out abut your skills, experience, knowledge & qualifications,background and personality. Also you will find examples of tough and even illegal questions.
Tough Questions
and how to answer them.
Salary Questions
and how to deal with them.
And finally:
Interview Answers: how to prepare and deliver great answers
Interview Questions to Home Page