Interview Preparation.
How can I prepare for an interview?

Here at interview-questions-answered this is what we get asked all the time. Interview preparation is our business. It's what we do and we're sure we can help you.
Receiving an interview offer is exciting news. It means the company has read your CV and is interested in meeting you.
But for many of us that thrill soon turns to trepidation and the interview day looms ahead with the accompanying panic.
We understand how you feel and we know how to help you.
For help on how to control Interview Nerves click here
Just follow the links and apply our tried and tested tips and techniques.
We would love to tell you there is an easy process to your interview preparation that will take all the hard work away.
However we are going to share some of our short cuts so that your preparation is focussed and effective.
We can give you our top strategies that we know work and will increase your chances of success at the interview and reduce the chance of rejection.
And we can give you some ideas for answers that will help you persuade the interviewer that you are the right candidate.
Click here for our 'Three-Steps to a Successful Interview' guide
Here some of the suggestions and guidance we can offer to help steer your interview preparation.
Analysing why you want the job, if you want it and whether can you do the job comes first. Why? Because there is very little point in bothering to go for a job that is unsuitable for you, not even for interview practice.
For more on why you want the job and is it right for you, click here
Working out what the interviewer is looking for is well worth it. Once you know what the employer requires using the clues they give you it is easy to see how you match up to it and prepare to plug any gaps
For more on what the interviewer is looking for, click here.
You need to do a complete self audit on what you can offer the job. We have suggestions for assessing your skills, your experience, your background, your knowledge and qualifications so you have a complete picture of how you match the job specification.
For more on how to do a skills audit, click here
We have a list of professional behaviours that all employers look for so you can weave then into your answers.
Click here to see our list of professional behaviours ALL employers look for.
It will help your preparation if you know the qualities most in demand any employer. You make sure your answers cover these qualities and you can expect to get a few vital ticks in the interviewer's boxes
Click here to find out the qualities & skills most in demand by employers
And there is loads of help on answering interview questions.
We have a free Interview Preparation Master Plan you can use to help focus your attention on the areas that matter to the employer.
For our FREE Interview Preparation Master Sheet click here
Finally we have some advice on how to build your Interview Portfolio into a document that will both impress the interviewer and provide you with discrete prompts if you find yourself lost for words.
For advice on your Portfolio and how to put it together, click here.
In short we have everything you need for your interview preparation plus free resources, email help and Interview Coaching via SKYPE for when you need some one to one support
Take a good look around our site. We hope you find what you are looking for but if not, email us and we will add your questions to our news page.
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