Books, DVDs & other useful Resources
Can you recommend any books I can buy?

At the end of my Interview Coaching sessions this is something I nearly always get asked.
Of course you can browse this site but each of this topics here is covered in more depth in these books I have personally found useful and am now happy to recommend.

The Interview Book is the definitive manual of interview preparation and technique, written by James Innes, the Founder and Managing Director of The CV Centre – the UK’s leading CV consultancy – based on his many years’ hands-on experience within careers consultancy. The advice given is tried, tested and proven on a daily basis within The CV Centre.

The Interview Book: Your Definitive Guide to the Perfect Interview Technique
The CV Book is the definitive guide to CV writing, authored by James Innes, the Founder and Managing Director of The CV Centre – the UK’s leading CV consultancy. James is widely considered to be one of the UK’s leading experts on the topic of CVs; it is arguable that nobody has more up-to-date, relevant experience. The advice given is tried, tested and proven on a daily basis within The CV Centre – responsible for writing tens of thousands of CVs annually.
The CV Book: Your Definitive Guide to Writing the Perfect CV
For more on the CV Centre
Brilliant Answers to Tough Interview Questions containsover 200 of the most commonly-asked questions and ideal answers, this is the book that will make sure you are ready to handle anything.
Learn how to recognise your strengths and how to play to them, how to deal with your weak spots and avoid panic and clichéd answers. Discover the art of turning every question to your advantage and learn the secrets behind a brilliant answer, so you will always know the right things to say.
The new edition now includes a section on changing careers and returning to work after unemployment as well as more information on discrimination acts and how to deal with illegal questioning

Brilliant Answers to Tough Interview Questions (Brilliant Business)
Instant Confidence and CD Whether you want to feel totally confident in business, romance, or any other area of your life, Paul will walk you step by step through a series of simple yet powerful techniques normally only available to his private clients and seminar attendees.
In addition, the book contains a mind-programming CD which uses the latest psychological techniques to fill your mind with positive thoughts and feelings. Each time you listen, you will be re-enforcing positive optimism and programming your mind for success.

Instant Confidence (Book and CD)
Other great,useful resources we recommend include:
135 Interview Questions and Answers DVD so you can see how to (and how not to) answer common interview questions.
Devised by career coaches and recruitment experts, this DVD & Audio Book comprises of advice on how to answer those tough questions along with specific examples of answers to the most common and difficult interview questions that are asked of candidates.
The DVD is split into 2 sections. Part one covers advice on how to answer each question along with an examples of each answer, and part two covers examples of poor answers, usually a hilarious insight as to what some candidates have actually said at interview.
It is an easy and fun way to get really prepared for those tough questions

135 Interview Answers DVD + free CD Audio Book
RESCUE REMEDY for those everyday stressful moments as well as going for interviews; Sometimes it's the little things like sitting in traffic when you know you're late, or people interrupt you when you're trying to meet a deadline, or the kids screaming when all you really need to do is get some milk from the supermarket - reach for RESCUE Remedy to help you get on with what you need to.I always carry a dropper bottle in my handbag.

Nelsons Bach Rescue Remedy Dropper 20ml
What Color is Your Parachute This amazing book is now in it's 40th Edition.
For forty years now job-hunters and career-changers have been turning to this, the world’s most popular job-hunting book, confident that each new annual edition will give them the most up-to-date information about the job-market and how to find meaningful work--even in the midst of challenging economic times such as these.
This year’s edition of What Color Is Your Parachute? has been vastly rewritten, because job-hunting has increasingly become a survival skill. Career expert Richard N. Bolles describes the five strategies most needed to survive, and explains how to incorporate social media tools such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter into your job-search.
“Parachute remains the gold standard of career guides.”

What Color Is Your Parachute? 2012: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers: 40th Anniversary Edition
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